Can people with meningitis pass the illness to others. Parametros meningitis septica meningitis aseptica meningitis meningitis bacteriana viral micotica tbc presion 180 frecuentemente variable 180 mm h2o normal conteo globulos blancos 10. Additionally, ventilator assistance, kidney dialysis or other supportive treatments may be needed. Manifestaciones digestivas con diarrea, dolor abdominal, hepatomegalia, hidrops vesicula biliar, esplenomegalia, ictericia. Clinical and paraclinical characteristics of bacterial. The clinical criteria must be checked and laboratory aids used in the way to obtain a precise diagnosis. Informe tecnicoinforme tecnico consenso sadisatiineadeci. Additionally, people with weak immune systems are more at risk for meningitis. Hugo sverdloff faringoamigdalitis otitis media sinusitis piel y partes blandas taller 1 faringitis. Hiv status was known in 156 patients and 23 were hivpositive 14. Pueden producir muerte o causar secuelas neurologicas sordera, paralisis, etc. Acute bacterial meningitis abm in adults is a serious infectious disease of the central nervous system cns1,2. Meningitis occurs in people of all ages, but it is more common in children and people over 65. Hay gran deterioro del estado general, hipertermia, disnea, astenia.
Capitulo 10 infecciones del sistema nervioso 10 central. Etiologies and management of aseptic meningitis in. Most cases of meningitis result from infections that are contagious. The clinic is useful, being very frequent the presence of meningeal signs. Pdf diagnosis and treatment of bacterial meningitis. Despite the availability of effective antibiotics and the advent of new antibiotics, adult abm remains a disease of high mortality and morbidity. Quimioprofilaxis frente a meningitis meningococofluenzae. Cases of aseptic meningitis in hivinfected patients.
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